Farming (Step 1-6) – Can be done in any order:
[ ] Loot Flayed Sarnak Hide Scroll from a Di`zok Librarian / sorcerer of Di`zok in Chardok
[ ] Loot Ancient Iksar Bone Inkwell from spectral duke in Old Sebilis
[ ] Loot Spectral Iksar’s Essence from Lord Kizaul in City of Mist
[ ] Loot Dented Battleshield from spectral knight in Karnor’s Castle
[ ] Loot Dull Black Ore from an elemental crusader (1.0) or an elemental warrior (2.0) in The Hole
[ ] Loot Tome of the Corrupter from Corruptor Hex in Howling Stones
Turn-Ins (Step 7-9) – Must be done in order:
[ ] Give Rthsirez (East Cabilis) Flayed Sarnak Hide Scroll to receive
Words of Terror.
[ ] Give Sarviksa Tiths (East Cabilis) Words of Terror to receive
Small Bone Box (2-slot container).
[ ] Combine Ancient Iksar Bone Inkwell and
Spectral Iksar’s Essence into
Small Bone Box (2-slot container) to create
Sealed Bone Box.
[ ] Give Sarviksa Tiths (East Cabilis) Sealed Bone Box to receive
Invocation of Fear.
[ ] Give Rthsirez (East Cabilis) Invocation of Fear,
Dented Battleshield,
Dull Black Ore,
Tome of the Corrupter >to receive
Sacred Shield of Dread!
Step 1
In Chardok kill sorcerer of Di`zok / a Di`zok Librarian. Loot Flayed Sarnak Hide Scroll (No Trade). Uncommon to Rare Drop.
These spawn in the royal palace area. Someone who can Pick Lock is recommended to get further in.
Step 2
In Old Sebilis kill spectral duke. He seems to be somewhat rare, despite not being flagged as a “rare” mob. He spawns outside the door leading to blood of chottel in the crypt area. I recommend clearing both mobs in front of the door, as both might be a PH.
You’ll need a Lock Pick lock to get to this spot. Loot Ancient Iksar Bone Inkwell (No Trade). Always drops?
Approx. 22 min respawn timer.
Step 3
In City of Mist locate and kill Lord Kizaul (Level 51). Loot Spectral Iksar’s Essence (No Trade). It is recommended to bring a small group in era. 12K HP. Always drops?
Lord Kizaul supposedly spawns anywhere in the hallways (up to and including the 2nd floor rooms) behind the room that has a door that requires “A Stone Key” or a Pick Lock to enter. I recommend clearing out as much as you can in these hallways and in 2nd floor area. For me he spawned after 1 round of respawns, but I may have gotten lucky.
See map where he spawned for me as a roamer. A tracker is useful here.
Step 4
In Karnor’s Castle locate and kill spectral knight. Loot Dented Battleshield (No Trade). This is either an uncommon drop or drops from 1 spot specifically. spectral knights have 2 different models, and can be found in and around Venril Sathir’s room. spectral protectors can spawn as a PH, so kill them too. See map for the spawn locations.
I got Dented Battleshield from 2 out of 3 spawns from one particular spawn location that is one floor above Venril Sathir’s room. See map. This may be a coincidence, but is something to keep in mind. I did not get it from any other spawn location after 3 respawns. I recommend clearing them all anyway just in case.
Step 5
Go to The Hole and kill either:
an elemental crusader (version 1.0 — Classic – LoY) Not confirmed.
an elemental warrior (version 2.0 — LDoN+) Confirmed.
These mostly spawn on the east side of the zone. A tracker can help.
Loot Dull Black Ore Handle (No Trade). It seems to be an uncommon drop.
Step 6
Go to Howling Stones and kill Corruptor Hex. Loot Tome of the Corrupter (No Trade). Always drops.
Corruptor Hex may have multiple PH, but for me he spawned right past the steps upon entering the East Wing (see map). I recommend clearing in the east wing to get him to spawn. For me he spawned after only 1 clear.
You’ll need a key to zone into Howling Stones in era. A guide for that key can be found HERE.
Step 7
1) Go to East Cabilis and locate Rthsirez. He is KoS to most that aren’t Iksar. You can find him behind the “red wall” and half way down the east tower ladders in the Shadow Knight guild room.
2) Give Rthsirez Flayed Sarnak Hide Scroll to receive
Words of Terror.
Step 8
1) While still in East Cabilis and locate Sarviksa Tiths. She is in the Shadow Knight guild a behind the “red wall” and in the west tower. She is KoS to most that aren’t Iksar.
2) Give Sarviksa Tiths Words of Terror to receive
Small Bone Box (2-slot container).
3) Combine Ancient Iksar Bone Inkwell and
Spectral Iksar’s Essence into
Small Bone Box (2-slot container) to create
Sealed Bone Box.
4) Give Sarviksa Tiths Sealed Bone Box to receive
Invocation of Fear.
Step 9
1) Go back to Rthsirez in East Cabilis. He is KoS to most that aren’t Iksar. You can find him behind the “red wall” and half way down the east tower ladders in the Shadow Knight guild room.
2) Give Rthsirez Invocation of Fear,
Dented Battleshield,
Dull Black Ore,
Tome of the Corrupter to receive
Sacred Shield of Dread!