Our goal as a Rogue will be to maximize DPS. We will easily max out both STR and DEX via gear. We will focus on getting +250 worn attack for this expansion.
Rogue Goals:
1) Best in Slot Weapons (especially a good main-hand Piercer). Try to get something with a +% Backstab Mod. Khalshazar tops the list with its de-aggro proc, 12% Backstab Mod, and strong ratio, but Rogues have several good options that aren’t far off. Keep in mind that Velious has a couple of daggers that are still in the top 6 daggers during Luclin (Vulak and Tunare Daggers).
See my Rogue Piercing Weapon Guide for all options.
2) 41% Haste Item (Boots or Ranged are the preferred slots for Luclin)
3) +250 “Worn” Attack.
4) Maxing Strength/Dexterity/Stamina
5) +6 Heroic Strength (from Necklace)
Below are the approximate stats you can expect:
This character doesn’t have any +stat AA clickies (Mana/HP/Regen/Resists, etc) clicked, so if you have any of those add them onto this profile to estimate your stats.