Ring of the Shissar grants you Access to Emperor Ssraeshza’s Chamber. It also has decent stats so it may be an upgrade in era. You’ll need to gather 4 items to complete the key:
Zazuzh’s Idol
Zherozsh’s Ring
Taskmaster’s Pouch
Ssraeshzian Insignia
All items are found in Ssraeshza Temple.
Once you have them all, combine the other 3 items into Taskmaster’s Pouch to receive
Ring of the Shissar.
Floor 1 Map Overview. Use this as reference for the rest of the guide.
Zazuzh’s Idol
This drops from Commander Zazuzh also known as “C1”. Always drops.
Commander Zazuzh spawns on the 1st floor (same level as the zone in). He has many spawn points throughout the 1st floor. The best strat is to clear as many snakes as possible and have a tracker tell you when he is up.
Based on personal experience, he seems to usually spawn either in a room with a tube that leads to another floor or in one of the dead end rooms that have 3 snakes in them, but it is possible he can spawn from hallway mobs also. He also has a spawn point behind the first locked door (near a trap) that leads to the Emperor.
I have highlighted common known spawn points on the map, but there may be others. A tracker is highly recommended.
Zherozsh’s Ring
This drops from Commander Zherozsh also known as “C2”. Always drops.
Commander Zherozsh spawns on the 2nd floor (one tube level up from zone in). He has many spawn points throughout the 2nd floor. The best strat is to clear as many snakes as possible and have a tracker tell you when he is up.
Based on personal experience, he seems to usually spawn either in a room with a tube that leads to another floor or in one of the dead end rooms that have 3 snakes in them, but it is possible he can spawn from hallway mobs also.
There are two sides to floor 2. North and South. They do not connect to each other directly. Both are only accessible from floor 1. Commander Zherozsh can spawn on either side. Most groups will pick one side and farm it. Make sure he is not already up on the side you aren’t farming before you begin killing or you will never see him spawn!
A tracker is highly recommended.
Taskmaster’s Pouch
This drops off of the following mobs in the basement:
Rhozth Ssravizh – requires a picklock to get to and casts a substantial healing debuff
Taskmaster Kavamezh
Taskmaster Keuzozh
Taskmaster Mikazha
Taskmaster Revan’Kezh
Taskmaster Vezhkah
Taskmaster Zerumaz
Taskmaster Zhe’Vozh
Warden Mekuzh
Their respawn is somewhere between 1-2 hours. I didn’t time it exactly. The drop is uncommon so it is possible to clear them all and not get a pouch. Spawn points are highlighted on the map.
Ssraeshzian Insignia
This drops off named in the room just before Emperor’s chambers. Always drops. The mobs that drop it are:
Advisor Zekuzh
Arbiter Korazhk
General Kizuhx
They are low level (mid 50’s) but don’t let that fool you, these guys have huge amounts of HP. They can also cast knockback. You may need up to 2 groups to defeat them in era. Any mob (an imperial guard) in the room can be a PH. You will need a picklock to get here as there are multiple locked doors along the way.