The Rathe Council (Avatar of Earth)

Expansion: Planes of Power
Zone: Plane of EarthB MAP
Level: 80
Respawn Timer: Estimated 2-3 days
. Can also be spawned via Agent of Change.

The Rathe Council is the most involved fight in all of Planes of Power. It is required for Plane of Time Access.

Fight Info


The Rathe Council is one of the most memorable and well known raids in all of Everquest. It is one of the few early Everquest raids that require a good amount of team execution.

There are a total of 12 Rathe Council members. 6 of them are mezzable and 6 of them are rootable.

The rootable ones can be rooting while pulling, but eventually will need to be tanked. This means 6 tanks are required. They all hit for roughly 3,000 damage when they are at full HP. The lower HP they have, the less they will hit for. This means that you should DPS down all the mobs to roughly 5-10% to keep them from hitting too hard so they are tankable while the raid works on the other councilmen.

You must also kill all of the Rathe Councilman at roughly the same time (within 6 or 7 minutes) so you need to have them all at low HP then kill them quickly.

You will split your raid up into 3 teams: The Mez Team, Tank Team, and the Pull Team. The Mez team should be in the “drop down hole” tunnel area. The Tank team should be across the water around the outside of the temple.

Have your pull team pull 1 mezzable councilman at a time into the Mez Area while keeping the rootable ones rooted. Your raid should then DPS it down until 5-10% and have your enchanter team keep it mezzed. Do not let the any councilman exit combat due to a memory wipe from mez, or it will regain HP quickly *they may be immune to mem blur now, but unconfirmed, so be aware*. Repeat this for all 6 mezzable councilmen.

While the mezzable mobs are all being worked on by the bulk of the raid, the pull team should be rooting and debuffing the 6 remaining councilman in preparation for the tanks.  Keep the tanked councilmen spread out from each other. They cast the AE DoT Earthen Vengeance (lowers attack speed, AE DoT, and 1000 DD upon cast). This can be cured with Remove Greater Curse.

Once all the mezzable mobs are 5-10% hp and are under control of the enchanters, put a tank on one of the rootable mobs at a time and beat each mob down to 5-10% HP.

Rinse and repeat this process until all 6 mobs are tanked and at roughly 5-10% HP. Once ready, begin to kill one at a time. When all 12 are dead, Avatar of Earth spawns in the middle.

Avatar of Earth is pretty easy though he does cast a 95% de-aggro spell on the main tank, so the raid must be very careful on aggro.

Avatar of Earth
– 550K MotM HP
– Slowable
– Hits 2400+ (possibly harder)
– Casts Marl (PBAE, Increases Mana cost of detrimental spells, -100 HP DoT, -350 Magic Based, Curse Cure)
– Casts Ashen Form (Single Target, -95% Aggro on Main tank, -350 Magic Based, Curse Cure)

Once dead, Essence of Earth will spawn. Hail it for your flag item (Mound of Living Stone).


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