Necromancer 1.5 Epic Guide
You must have completed either the Necromancer 1.0 Epic or the Necromancer 1.5 Pre-Quest to begin this quest.
Potentially Pre-farmable Steps
**Not all are 100% confirmed pre-lootable, just something you may want to review before beginning the quest. This assumes OoW is unlocked.**
Step 3 – Farm 4x Gleaming Zraxthril Ore from Torgiran Mines
Step 8 – Obtain 2x Ball of Elemental Clay (tradable) from Plane of Earth or The Hole
Step 11 – Obtain Ancient Tome of Lost Lore (tradable) from an old gargoyle in The Hole
Step 14 – Get Blacksmithing to 100
Step 15 – Loot Gnarled Wood from treants in PoNightmare and Elaborate Hinge from a scrap collector in PoInnovation
Step 18 – Loot 4 Paladin Heads (Was able to loot on another character)
Step 1
Go to Lake Rathetear and locate Kazen Fecae (+340, -1600). “Hail” him to receive Note to Biddliss. If you did 1.5 Pre-Quest then you’ll already have this.
Step 2
Go to Steamfont Mountains and locate Biddliss Sperandu (+400, -1140). Give him Note to Biddliss to receive
Gleaming Ore Satchel (4-slot container).
Step 3
Go to Torgiran Mines and loot 4x Gleaming Zraxthril Ore. They drop off mobs in the south side of the zone (see map). Uncommon Drop.
Step 4
Combine 4x Gleaming Zraxthril Ore in
Gleaming Ore Satchel (4-slot container) to create
Sealed Ore Satchel.
Step 5
Go back to Steamfont Mountains and locate Biddliss Sperandu (+400, -1140). Give him Sealed Ore Satchel to receive
Biddliss’s Research Tools.
Step 6
Go back to Lake Rathetear and locate Kazen Fecae (+340, -1600). Give him Biddliss’s Research Tools to receive
Drawing of Rune.
Step 7
1) Go to Plane of Knowledge and locate Ruandia. Give her Drawing of Rune to receive
Ruandia’s Instructions.
2) While still in Plane of Knowledge locate Tebarin. Give him Ruandia’s Instructions to receive
Intricately Carved Box (4-slot container).
Step 8
Loot 2x Ball of Elemental Clay (tradable). They drop in The Hole from Metal Golem type mobs and in Plane of Earth from Elemental Type mobs. Uncommon Drop.
Raiding the Dust Ring Event in Plane of Earth is a decent way to get these but isn’t necessary.
Step 9
Combine 2x Ball of Elemental Clay (tradable) in
Intricately Carved Box (4-slot container) to create
Sealed Intricately Carved Box.
Step 10
Go back to Plane of Knowledge and locate Tebarin. Give him Sealed Intricately Carved Box to receive
Strange Smelling Oil and another
Intricately Carved Box (4-slot container).
Step 11
Go to The Hole and locate an old gargoyle. It is a rare spawn that spawns on the rooftops of the City area. Kill gargoyles up on the walls as they are the PH’s. Loot Ancient Tome of Lost Lore (tradable).
Step 12
Combine Ancient Tome of Lost Lore and
Strange Smelling Oil in
Intricately Carved Box (4-slot container) to create
Protected Tome.
Step 13
1) Go back to Plane of Knowledge and locate Tebarin. Give him Protected Tome to receive
Brightly Glowing Tome.
2) Give Brightly Glowing Tome back to Tebarin to receive
Rune Covered Insert.
Step 14
Get Blacksmithing to 100: Blacksmithing Guide
Step 15
Now you need to collect two items. A tracker is recommended.
Gnarled Wood – drops off a gnarled treant in Plane of Nightmare. Rare Drop.
Elaborate Hinge – drops off a scrap collector in Plane of Innovation. Rare Drop.
Step 16
In a Blacksmithing Forge combine the following to create Glowing Box of Protection:
Gnarled Wood
Elaborate Hinge
Rune Covered Insert
This combine is no-fail and has a minimum required skill of 100.
Step 17
Go back to Plane of Knowledge and locate Tebarin. Give him Glowing Box of Protection to receive
Paladin Headhunting Satchel (6-slot container).
Step 18
Each of the Karana zones have a Paladin that you must kill and loot the Head of. Form a group and kill the respective Paladin in each zone. They roam so bring a tracker. They are not overly difficult.
East Karana – Sir Gregon Sulltor – Sir Gregon’s Head
North Karana – Sir Gerwin Thunderblade – Sir Gerwin’s Head
West Karana – Sir Arlindo Goldheart – Sir Arlindo’s Head
South Karana – Sir Telian Mottsworth – Sir Telian’s Head
Step 19
Combine the 4 Paladin Heads into
Paladin Headhunting Satchel (6-slot container) to create
Full Paladin Headhunting Satchel.
Step 20
Go back to Plane of Knowledge and locate Tebarin. Give him Full Paladin Headhunting Satchel to receive
Orb of Deathspeaking.
Step 21
Go to Natimbi, The Broken Shores and locate Whiahdi (+400, -930). Say “staff” to receive emote:
Step 22
Go to Barindu, Hanging Gargens with 1-2 groups and locate Taiandao (+360, -120).
“Hail” him.
Say “killed whiahdi” to see emote:
This will also spawn Viarglug nearby. He is moderately tough. Depending on gear it might be a good idea to bring 2 full groups.
“Hail” Viarglug and he will attack. Kill him and loot Whiahdi’s Earthly Possessions.
– Hits 1400+
– Casts Discordant Feedback (NPC Hatelist, 1000 DD, -100 Mana/HP Train, Chromatic Resist, Curse Cure)
– Decent HP Pool
– Resistant to spells so bring melee
Step 23
Go back to Natimbi, The Broken Shores and locate Whiahdi (+400, -930). Give her Whiahdi’s Earthly Possessions to receive an emote:
Say “power”
Step 24
Go to Nobles’ Causeway with 4-5 groups and locate Tarlang (-150, +1350).
“Hail” him and he will respawn and attack. He is fairly tough.
– Hits 3,000+
– High HP
– Casts Chaos Claws (Single Target, 1,000 DD and small Dot, Chromatic Based, Poison Cure)
– Casts Blinding Fear (Targeted AE, Blind and Stun — Lasts up to 4 ticks, Unresistable)
– Casts Caustic Atmosphere (PBAE, -25% Spell Haste/Melee Attack Speed, 550 DD, Poison Based)
Kill him and loot Tarlang’s Head.
Step 25
Go back to Natimbi, The Broken Shores and locate Whiahdi (+400, -930). Give her Tarlang’s Head to receive your
1.5 Epic: Soulwhisper!