In order to get Purple Headband, you’ll need to quest for the following Headbands in order. Remember that all of these are tradable, so you can shortcut through if you want to, but you may need the required faction to do the later quests.
White Headband
Yellow Headband
Orange Headband
Red Headband
Purple Headband
White Headband Quest
– Loot 4x Gnoll Pup Scalp (Tradable). These drop from a gnoll pup in North Qeynos, Qeynos Hills, Blackburrow, or Everfrost. These mobs can be somewhat rare. A tracker is helpful. It does not always drop. I did find a group of 5-6 of them near Halas.
You’ll also need high amiable faction with Silent Fist Clan. This can be farmed by killing gnolls in any of the zones between North Qeynos and Everfrost:
You should be able to do the turn-in at Amiable (150) with Silent Fist Clan.
Locate Phin Esrinap in North Qeynos. Give him the four items to receive White Headband.
Yellow Headband Quest
– Loot 3x Putrid Rib Bone (from a putrid skeleton in Qeynos Hills). There is a skeleton camp near Surefall Glade that a putrid skeleton spawn at. They share a PH with other skeleton types.
Putrid Rib Bone does not always drop. a putrid skeleton *may* share PH’s in other areas of the zone as well, but I was not able to get any to spawn other than at the skeleton camp. Respawn is only 2-3 minutes at this camp. I got all 3 of mine in 20 minutes.
– You’ll also need your White Headband from the previous quest.
Locate Phin Esrinap in North Qeynos. Give him the
four items to receive
Yellow Sash of Order.
You should be able to do the turn-in at Amiable (175) with Silent Fist Clan.
Orange Headband Quest
– Loot 2x Blackburrow Gnoll Pelt (Tradable). Supposedly drops from most gnoll types in Blackburrow, however of the ones I had drop, all were from an elite gnoll guard. This seems to be an uncommon to rare drop.
– Loot 1x Blackburrow Gnoll Skin (Tradable). This supposedly drops from higher level gnoll types in Blackburrow, notably “named” gnolls and an elite gnoll guard. I got mine off of an elite gnoll guard. This seems to be a rare drop.
It took me about 30 minutes to get all 3 drops mass killing the zone. All of the drops I got were only from an elite gnoll guard.
– You’ll also need your Yellow Headband from the previous quest.
Locate Phin Esrinap in North Qeynos. Give him the
four items to receive
Orange Headband.
You should be able to do the turn-in at Amiable (225) with Silent Fist Clan.
Red Headband Quest
A tracker is recommended for this quest. If you know anything about South Karana spawn cycles, you’ll know they are a complete joke and it can be difficult to pinpoint specific PH’s since there are multiple PH’s that roam across the zone. Take everything in this Quest with a grain of salt as far as PH’s go, as I have no way to prove anything.
– Loot 1x Dareb’s Skull (Tradable) from High Shaman Phido in South Karana. I have no conclusive information on how to spawn this NPC other than that it spawns once Shaman Lenrel is killed, who is part of one of the South Karana spawn cycles. More info needed.
– Loot 1x Head of Ghanex Drah (Tradable) from Ghanex Drah in South Karana. PH is a putrid skeleton at +1355, +1065. Respawn 19-20 minutes. The a putrid skeleton PH you are looking for says the following when aggroed. The other ones in the camp are not placeholders and respawn much quicker.
– Loot 1x Head of Shen (Tradable) from High Shaman Grisok in South Karana. I have no conclusive information on how to spawn this NPC other than that it spawns once Shaman Ren`Rex is killed, who is part of one of the South Karana spawn cycles. More info needed.
– You’ll also need your Orange Headband from the previous quest.
Locate Togahn Sorast in North Qeynos. Give him the
four items to receive
Red Headband.
You should be able to do the turn-in at Amiable (275) with Silent Fist Clan.
Purple Headband Quest
– Loot 1x Dagger of Marnek (Tradable) from the thaumaturgist in Befallen. She spawns in the same room as Priest Amiaz. She spawned in the middle of the 3 spawns for me. Less than 8 minutes respawn timer for PH. MAP
– Loot 1x Skull of Jhen`Tra (Tradable) from a gnoll embalmer in Lake Rathetear. Spawns at the ruins near the South Karana zone line. Kill gnolls until he spawns. He spawns only during the day, but PH respawns are only a few minutes! However, it does not always drop. MAP
– Loot 1x Zaharn’s Coronet (Tradable) from High Priest Zaharn in Permafrost Keep. The PH is a goblin patriarch at the camp with the 3 goblins around the rock. Always drops? Respawn is around 16-17 minutes. MAP
– You’ll also need your Red Headband from the previous quest.
Locate Togahn Sorast in North Qeynos. Give him the
four items to receive
Purple Headband.
Faction requirement unconfirmed on this (Possibly Amiable (350+) or more, or Kindly at the most), but if you did all of the other headbands quests, then you should be able to do this quest.