Magician 2.0 Epic Guide
Focus of Primal Elements
To begin this quest you must have completed the Magician 1.5 Epic quest.
Pre-Farmable Steps:
Step 2 – Loot 2x Pyrilen Essence and 2x Gelidran Essence from Fire and Ice mobs in Riftseekers’ Sanctum
Step 12 – Loot Globe of Discordant Energy from Anguish
Step 1
Go to Dranik’s Scar and locate Iilivina (-580, -250). Give her your 1.5 Epic: Staff of Elemental Essence. She will hand it back.
– Say “bantil”
– Say “power”
Step 2
Go to Riftseekers’ Sanctum. Loot 2x Pyrilen Essence and
2x Gelidran Essence. These come from the “Fire” and “Ice” type mobs, respectively. Uncommon drop.
Step 3
Go back to Dranik’s Scar and locate Iilivina (-580, -250). Give her 2x Pyrilen Essence and
2x Gelidran Essence to receive
Pouch of Powered Riftseeker Essence and
Note from Iilivina.
Step 4
Go to Plane of Knowledge and locate Bantil Io`Tuv. He is on the top level of the library, but not up the elevator. Give him Pouch of Powered Riftseeker Essence and
Note from Iilivina to receive
Small Pouch of Riftseeker Essence.
Step 5
Go to Twlight Sea and locate Vornol Transon. He is at the top of the tower (see map). Give him Small Pouch of Riftseeker Essence to receive emote:
Step 6
Go back to Dranik’s Scar and locate Iilivina (-580, -250).
“Hail” her.
Say “primal”
to receive emote:
Step 7
Form a group and go to Ferubi. Locate Body Elemental. Head to the Red Circle on the map. Body Elemental will spawn when you get near. This guy is pretty easy, but not fun to get to his room solo. Kill him and loot Element of Body.
Step 8
Go to The Dreadlands spire area and locate Chaos Elemental. It will spawn when you get close. Bring a raid for this. Kill it and loot Element of Chaos.
– Hits 2200+
– Substantial HP
– Casts Chaos Affliction (PBAE, -50% Spell Haste, Prismatic Based, Curse Cure)
– Casts Chaos Epidemic (Single Target Charm, lasts 3 ticks, -1000 Magic Resists)
Step 9
Go to Crypt of Decay and locate Spirit Elemental. It will spawn in the back of the undead knight area when you get close. This should only take a couple of groups at most. Kill it and loot Element of Spirit.
AE Rampages
Hits 900+
Step 10
Go to Halls of Honor and locate Order Elemental. It will spawn when you get close. Bring a medium sized raid. Kill it and loot Element of Order.
Hits 2400+
Substantial HP
Casts Justice (Single Target, 800 DD, Unresistable)
Step 11
Go back to Dranik’s Scar and locate Iilivina (-580, -250). Give her:
Element of Body
Element of Chaos
Element of Spirit
Element of Order
You’ll receive emote:
**DO NOT give your Anguish Orb (if you already have it) and/or your 1.5 Epic to Iilivina. This will bug the quest and you’ll have to refarm all the Elements.**
Step 12
Raid Anguish and obtain a Globe of Discordant Energy.
Drops from the following events:
Keldovan the Harrier/Jelvan (only one of the two based on who you kill last)
Warden Hanvar/Ture (only one of the two based on who you kill last)
Arch Magus Vangl
Overlord Mata Muram
Step 13
Go back to Plane of Knowledge and locate Bantil Io`Tuv. He is on the top level of the library, but not up the elevator. Give him your 1.5 Epic: Staff of Elemental Essence and
Globe of Discordant Energy to receive your
2.0 Epic: Focus of Primal Elements!