Loop of the Lizard Slayer
Quest Guide
Step 1
Kill Cragbeast Queen in Natimbi. This is a raid boss. Loot Glowing Bile Drenched Jewel. It is not a guaranteed drop but is somewhat common.
In open world, she is only up between 12am and 2am in-game time (Approx. 5 day respawn timer once killed). You can also spawn her in an instance, where she’ll always be up.
Step 2
Head to Uqua with a raid. Loot Gemless Pristine Loop. It can drop off of either Spectral Trushar Worshipper or Devastating Construct.
Step 3
Combine the following items into a Jeweler’s Kit (I used a Planar one) to create
Loop of the Lizard Slayer. This is a No-Fail combine
Glowing Bile Drenched Jewel
Gemless Pristine Loop