Key of Veeshan
Access to Veeshan’s Peak
You will need to collect 9x Medallion Pieces. The
Medallions Pieces are turned in in sets of three . Those three turn-ins yield:
Medallion of the Obulus
Medallion of the Jarsath
Medallion of the Kylong
You’ll also need a Trakanon’s Tooth from Trakanon.
Quick Checklist
[ ] Medallion of the Jarsath
[ ] Swamp of No Hope – Ground spawn (Top)
[ ] Firiona Vie – Drop from an ancient Jarsath (Middle)
[ ] Lake of Ill Omen – Drop from a bloodgill marauder (Bottom)
[ ] Turn in all three to Xiblin Fizzlebik in Timorous Deep
[ ] Medallion of the Obulus
[ ] Turn in Burnished Wooden Stave (Chardok drop) to Ssolet Dnaas (May need to charm him) in Warsilks Woods (Top)
[ ] Dreadlands – Drop from rotting skeleton (Middle)
[ ] Trakanon’s Teeth – Drop from pained soul or spectral footman (Bottom)
[ ] Turn in all three to Slixin Klex in Burning Woods
[ ] Medallion of the Kylong
[ ] Chardok – Do Nibleks Gem Quest (Top), also drops off Di`zok royal guard, a Di`zok Guardian, and potentially other mobs
[ ] Karnor’s Castle – Drop from Verix Kylox’s Remains or skeletal/spectral protectors (Middle)
[ ] Kaesora – Ground spawn (Bottom)
[ ] Turn in all three to Professor Akabao in Lake of Ill Omen
[ ] Old Sebilis – Loot Trakanon’s Tooth from Trakanon
[ ] Turn in all 3 Full Medallions and Trakanon’s Tooth to Emperor Ganak in Trakanon’s Teeth to receive Key to Veeshan
Medallion of the Jarsath
1) Piece of a Medallion (Jarsath Top Piece)
This is a ground spawn in Swap of No Hope at +40, +2900 and/or -490, +2900 along a shoreline. Respawn is rumored to be 50 minutes. There may be more spawn points than this, so look around in the area (not all are mapped).
2) Piece of a Medallion (Jarsath Middle Piece)
1) This drops from an ancient Jarsath in Firiona Vie. He is an undead skeleton that roams the east side of the zone. You can either use a tracker or someone with Spell: Sense Dead to find him. He appears to spawn from killing trash, but also will spawn on his own after sometime because mobs fight each other in this zone. I Highsun’d him with a bard and he went to (-1825, -1600). Your spawn location may vary. Always drops.
2) Can also drop off “drovarg and froglok” type mobs uncommonly. Possibly other mobs as well (not verified).
3) Piece of a Medallion (Jarsath Bottom Piece)
Drops in Lake of Ill Omen from a bloodgill marauder. It spawns underwater in front of the entrance to Veksar. Approx. 1 hour respawn. No PH.
4) Turn-in the 3 Medallion Pieces
Find Xiblin Fizzlebik (loc -5780, +2950) in Timorous Deep. Give him:
Piece of a Medallion (Jarsath Top Piece)
Piece of a Medallion (Jarsath Middle Piece)
Piece of a Medallion (Jarsath Bottom Piece)
to receive Medallion of the Jarsath .
Medallion of the Obulus
1) Piece of a Medallion (Obulus Top Piece)
Go to Chardok and loot Burnished Wooden Stave. It drops off random trash in the zone – Specifically skeletons, miners, and sarnaks. This item is also tradable, so check the Bazaar. It is between a common and uncommon drop.
Once you have a Burnished Wooden Stave take it to Ssolet Dnaas in Warsilks Woods. He is located on a super small island in the north section of the zone. You will need to charm him unless you’re an Iksar because he is KoS to all other races. Level 50 mob. Give him
Burnished Wooden Stave to receive
Piece of a Medallion (Obulus Top Piece).
2) Piece of a Medallion (Obulus Middle Piece)
This piece drops off rotting skeleton in Dreadlands. He has a specific static spawn as a PH at +2250, -5150 (plaguebone skeleton). Approx 5 min respawn. Uncommon spawn. Always drops.
3) Piece of a Medallion (Obulus Bottom Piece)
Drops from pained soul in Trakanon’s Teeth. He has a specific PH near Sebilis at -1830, -4370 (spectral keeper). 5 min 20 sec respawn timer. Rare spawn. Always drops.
I have also seen it drop from spectral type mobs, who roam in the same area. Uncommon drop. A tracker can help locate them.
4) Turn-in the 3 Medallion Pieces
Head to Burning Woods and locate Slixin Klex at -680, -1130. Give him: Piece of a Medallion (Obulus Top Piece)
Piece of a Medallion (Obulus Middle Piece)
Piece of a Medallion (Obulus Bottom Piece)
to receive Medallion of the Obulus.
Medallion of the Kylong
1) Piece of a Medallion (Kylong Top Piece)
There are two ways to get it:
A) You will need a Black Sapphire (World Drop Gem) and a
Ruby, which is bou ght at most Jewelcrafting Vendors.
Once you have the gems, head to Chardok and find Niblek (loc: +500, -120). He is down in the mines. Give him Black Sapphire and
Ruby to receive
Piece of a Medallion (Kylong Top Piece).
B) Has a chance to drop off Di`zok royal guard and a Di`zok Guardian. They may drop off other mobs as well (not verified).
2) Piece of a Medallion (Kylong Middle Piece)
Drops from two locations:
1) Verix Kylox’s Remains (loc +110, -630) in the basement of Karnor’s Castle. Rare Spawn. Always Drops. His PH is decayed kylong iksar. 22 minute respawn.
2) Also have a chance to drop from skeletal/spectral protectors. These mobs can be found in and around Venril Sathir’s room. It may drop from other mobs as well but these two are verified.
3) Piece of a Medallion (Kylong Bottom Piece)
Ground spawn in Kaesora. You will find it on the second floor of the library. It can spawn in different spots on this floor. Estimated 20 minute respawn (not confirmed). Also may spawn upon creation of a new zone pick.
4) Turn-in the 3 Medallion Pieces
Find Professor Akabao in Lake of Ill Omen. He is inside of the Windmill in the Southeastern part of the zone (Loc: -2550, -3000). Give him
Piece of a Medallion (Kylong Top Piece)
Piece of a Medallion (Kylong Middle Piece)
Piece of a Medallion (Kylong Bottom Piece)
to receive Medallion of the Kylong.
Trakanon’s Tooth
Kill Trakanon in Old Sebilis. Loot Trakanon’s Tooth.
Final Turn-in – Key of Veeshan
Go to Trakanon’s Teeth and find Emperor Ganak. He can be found in a cave in the southwest corner of the zone. Give him: Medallion of the Obulus
Medallion of the Jarsath
Medallion of the Kylong
Trakanon’s Tooth
to receive Key of Veeshan!
Entrance to Veeshan’s Peak