
Farming (Step 1-5) – Can be done in any order:

[ ] Loot Elyrian’s Journal Pg. 15/17/18/22 from trash mobs in Nurga

[ ] Loot Ornate Steel Bracer from Rusdai in Chardok

[ ] Loot Ore of Solidified Mist from Mist Reaver in City of Mist

[ ] Loot  The Blood Agreement from Tivnesh in Howling Stones

[ ] Loot   Dankglow Ivy from myconid-type (mushrooms) mobs in Old Sebilis

Turn-Ins (Step 6-9) – Must be done in order:

[ ] Give Dajrool Waggletongue (Firiona Vie) Ornate Steel Bracer to receive Torn Journal (4-slot container).

[ ] Combine the 4 Pages into Torn Journal (4-slot container) to create Elyrian’s Journal.

[ ] Give Kaelana Ivyshae (Firiona Vie) Elyrian’s Journal to receive Sigil of the Righteous.

[ ] Give Iryal (Firiona Vie) Sigil of the Righteous and The Blood Agreement to receive Ancient Blade.

[ ] Give Kaelana Ivyshae Ancient Blade, Dankglow Ivy, Ore of Solidified Mist to receive Ivyshae Blade!

Step 1

In Mines of Nurga kill trash mobs until you get the following:

Elyrian’s Journal Pg. 15
Elyrian’s Journal Pg. 17
Elyrian’s Journal Pg. 18
Elyrian’s Journal Pg. 22



Step 2

In Chardok kill Rusdai and loot Ornate Steel Bracer (No Trade). Always drops? He spawns in the bank area below the bridge keeper. PH is a Treasury Guard.



Step 3

In City of Mist locate and kill Mist Reaver (Level 51). Loot   Ore of Solidified Mist (No Trade). Always drops? For me it spawned in the first “floating building” at the top of the zone (see picture).

Speculation is that he can spawn anywhere behind the “Stone Key” locked door leading to the top areas of the zone, but this is not confirmed.



Step 4

Go to Howling Stones and loot The Blood Agreement (No Trade) from Tivnesh. He spawns in the east wing so kill trash there until he pops. Always drops?


Step 5

Go to Old Sebilis and loot   Dankglow Ivy (No Trade) from myconid-type (mushrooms) mobs. These can be found in the tunnels behind the jail and before the Juggernauts. This drop seems to be rare.


Step 6

1) Locate Dajrool Waggletongue in Firiona Vie. He roams around a bit so a tracker can help, but isn’t required.


2) Give Dajrool Waggletongue Ornate Steel Bracer to receive Torn Journal (4-slot container).

3) Combine the 4 Pages into Torn Journal (4-slot container) to create Elyrian’s Journal.

Step 7

1) Locate Kaelana Ivyshae in Firiona Vie. She can be in 1 of 2 spots depending on what expansion is unlocked on your server.

2) Give Kaelana Ivyshae Elyrian’s Journal to receive Sigil of the Righteous.


Step 8

1) Locate Iryal in Firiona Vie.

2) Give Iryal Sigil of the Righteous and The Blood Agreement to receive Ancient Blade. He will turn into a Wood Elf briefly.

Step 9

1) Go back to Kaelana Ivyshae in Firiona Vie. She can be in 1 of 2 spots depending on what expansion is unlocked on your server.

2) Give Kaelana Ivyshae Ancient Blade, Dankglow Ivy, Ore of Solidified Mist to receive Ivyshae Blade!



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