Druids should focus on:
Healing/Skill Mod
Direct Damage and DoT Augments
Heroic Wisdom
Heroic Stamina (Mitigation)
Heroic Agility (for evasion AC)
AC (Armor Class)
Mana Regen (You can max this from regular slot items)
This guide will focus mostly on Slot Type 8 Augments (Raid Gear PoTime +) with the occasional Type 7 (Group Gear).
**This Guide is for LDoN Raid Augments ONLY — Vendor Items bought augments for points are not included unless they are ultra important or unique (Warrior Aggro Proc for example is included)**
Items generally will be listed from best to worst in each section (For example +70 Mana augments will be listed above +50).
Check out the >> YouTube Video << for details!
Healing/Skill Mod
Sharp-Edged Pearl Shard
+40% Healing (HoT’s excluded) – Type 8 – Butcherblock: Struggles within the Progeny
Anomalous Rock of Alteration
+15% Specialize Alteration Skill (Type 8) – Commonlands: Hidden Vale of Deceit
Stone Guardian’s Conjuration Shard
+15% Specialize Conjuration Mod (Type 8) – Butcherblock: Struggles within the Progeny
Tweyne’s Stone of Evocation
+15% Specialize Evocation Mod (Type 8) – North Ro: Within the Compact
Direct Damage and DoT Augments
Glowing Stone of Frozen Slime
40% Ice DD (Type 8) – South Ro: Ritualist of Hate
Quintessence Jewel of Fiery Pain
40% Fire DD (Type 8) – North Ro: Within the Compact
Experimental Smoldering Stone
40% Fire DoT (Type 8) – Commonlands: Hidden Vale of Deceit
Enchanted Crystal of the Synarcana
40% Magic DoT (Type 8) – Everfrost: Folly of Miragul’s Ambition
Heroic Wisdom
Ritana’s Refracting Prism
+3 Heroic Wisdom (Type 8) – North Ro: Within the Compact
Valdoon’s Stone Beast Shard
+3 Heroic Wisdom (Type 8) – Butcherblock: Struggles within the Progeny
Reflection Shard of Kel`Novar
+70 Mana (Type 8) – Butcherblock: Struggles within the Progeny
Ringed Stone of Advantage
+70 Mana (Type 8) – Commonlands: Hidden Vale of Deceit
Shard of the Cursed Mind
+70 Mana (Type 8) – South Ro: Ritualist of Hate
Warden’s Peculiar Gem of Thought
+70 Mana (Type 8) – Commonlands: Prison Break
Cursed Stone of the Dead
+50 Mana (Multiple Type) – South Ro: The Rescue
Gem of Whirling Auras
+50 Mana (Multiple Type) – Everfrost: Frozen Nightmare
Icy Orb of Tranquility
+50 Mana (Multiple Type) – Everfrost: Frozen Nightmare
Translucent Orb of Trapped Mana
+50 Mana (Multiple Type) – Butcherblock: Scion Lair of Fury
Flowkeeper’s Shard of Knowledge
+50 Mana (Type 7) – North Ro: Sunken Library
Fractured Iced Gem of Knowledge
+50 Mana (Type 7) – Everfrost: Spider Den
Stone of Icy Bolstering
+40 Mana (Type 7/8) – Splitpaw (70+ Revamp): Windspirit Glorn
Heroic Stamina
Scion Stone of Disruption
+4 Heroic Stamina (Type 8) – Butcherblock: Struggles within the Progeny
Enchanted Orb of Defense
+2 Heroic Stamina (Type 8) – Butcherblock: Struggles within the Progeny
Heroic Agility
Velrek’s Enchanted Prism
+4 Heroic Agility (Type 8) – Commonlands: Hidden Vale of Deceit
AC (Armor Class)
Glowing Gem of Enhanced Protection
20 AC (Multiple Type) – South Ro: The Rescue
Unala’s Stone of Enhanced Protection
20 AC (Type 8) – North Ro: Within the Compact
Ice Shard of Enhanced Protection
15 AC (Type 8) – Everfrost: Folly of Miragul’s Ambition
Ritualist’s Orb of Enhanced Protection
15 AC (Type 8) – South Ro: Ritualist of Hate
Mana Regen
Ooze-Covered Stone
+3 Mana Regen (Type 8) – South Ro: Ritualist of Hate
Smooth Stone of Blissful Tranquility
+3 Mana Regen (Type 8) – Commonlands: Hidden Vale of Deceit
Tweyne’s Condensed Tidal Sands
+3 Mana Regen (Type 8) – North Ro: Within the Compact
Velrek’s Shimmering Thought Stone
+3 Mana Regen (Type 8) – Commonlands: Prison Break