Farming (Step 1-6) – Can be done in any order:
[ ] Loot Book of the Righteous from Battle Master Ska`tu in Chardok
[ ] Loot Prayer of the Righteous from The Rockchanter in Mines of Nurga
[ ] Loot Essence of Tzirathk from Tzirathk in City of Mist
[ ] Loot Blessed Mallet from Construct of Sathir in Karnor’s Castle
[ ] Loot Ancient Charred Wooden Handle from Ghorgash in Burning Woods
[ ] Loot Tainted Shield of Blessed Faith from zone-wide drop in Howling Stones
Turn-Ins (Step 7-11) – Must be done in order:
[ ] Give Dithgar Irongut (Firiona Vie) Book of the Righteous and
Prayer of the Righteous to receive
Hollowed Stone Orb. Must be Indifferent+
[ ] Charm Seshkar (Trakanon’s Teeth) and give him Hollowed Stone Orb and
Essence of Tzirathk to receive
[ ] Give Dithgar Irongut (Firiona Vie) Heartstone and
Tainted Shield of Blessed Faith to receive
Vows of Undying Devotion. Must be Indifferent+
[ ] Give Auraline (Kedge Keep) Vows of Undying Devotion to receive
Shimmering Azure Box (4-slot container)
[ ] Combine Ancient Charred Wooden Handle and
Blessed Mallet into
Shimmering Azure Box (4-slot container) to receive
Sealed Azure Box
[ ] Give Auraline (Kedge Keep) Sealed Azure Box to receive
Thoric’s Sacred Hammer
[ ] Give Dithgar Irongut (Firiona Vie) Thoric’s Sacred Hammer to receive
Defender of the Faithful Heart. Must be Indifferent+
Step 1
In Chardok kill Battle Master Ska`tu (Level 54). Loot Book of the Righteous (No Trade). Always drops.
He spawns in the “crypt” area. His PH is a reanimated berserker. (-461, +394)
Step 2
In The Mines of Nurga kill The Rockchanter. Loot Prayer of the Righteous (No Trade). Always drops.
There are two versions of The Mines of Nurga:
Kunark – Legacy of Ykesha (1.0): PH information not confirmed — PH is likely any of the mobs on the West side. Reported to be level 30-35 range.
Lost Dungeons of Norrath+ (2.0): PH seems to be most of the goblins/mine rats in the West side. Level 49. I have seen him spawn at a few different locations in the hallway.
Step 3
In City of Mist locate and kill Tzirathk (Level 50). Loot Essence of Tzirathk (No Trade). It is recommended to bring a small group in era.
Tzirathk spawns in a room above a small elevator. This elevator requires either a class who can pick the elevator lock, or Key of Torsis (temporary key that drops from Neh`Ashiir, who spawns at the top of the zone). It is recommended to bring someone who can pick lock.
Tzirathk’s place holder is a black reaver that overlooks the balcony. This mob has a long respawn timer (1.5-2 hour estimate).
Note: When you kill a black reaver, mobs will immediately spawn upon their death. These spawns are NOT related to Tzirathk. Tzirathk will spawn as his own mob instead of a black reaver.
Step 4
In Karnor’s Castle locate and kill Construct of Sathir. Loot Blessed Mallet (No Trade). Always drops. Construct of Sathir is a rare spawn in the “hand” room. A small group is recommended to clear this room out in era.
Step 5
Go to Burning Woods to locate and kill Ghorgash (Level 55). 25K HP. You may want to have a friend or two to help in era. He is a rare spawn at the giant fort. Any mob in the fort or at the bottom of the ramp is a PH. Loot Ancient Charred Wooden Handle (No Trade). Always drops.
Step 6
Go to Howling Stones and loot Tainted Shield of Blessed Faith (No Trade). This is a random zone wide drop off trash mobs.
You’ll need a key to zone into Howling Stones. A guide for that key can be found HERE.
Step 7
1) Go to Firiona Vie and locate Dithgar Irongut. He can be in one of two locations based on what expansion is released on your server:
2) Hail Dithgar Irongut and follow his dialogue.
3) Give Dithgar Irongut Book of the Righteous and
Prayer of the Righteous to receive
Hollowed Stone Orb.
You’ll need to be at least Indifferent faction to do the turn-in. You can use an invisibility potion after opening a trade window to get Indifferent.
Step 8
Go to Trakanon’s Teeth and locate Seshkar. Bring a class that can charm, or some Puppet Strings (Charm item from PoFear). He roams around a little bit so a tracker can help. Charm him, then give him Hollowed Stone Orb and
Essence of Tzirathk to receive
Step 9
1) Go to back Firiona Vie and locate Dithgar Irongut. He can be in one of two locations based on what expansion is released on your server:
2) Give Dithgar Irongut Heartstone and
Tainted Shield of Blessed Faith to receive
Vows of Undying Devotion.
You’ll need to be at least Indifferent faction to do the turn-in. You can use an invisibility potion after opening a trade window to get Indifferent.
Step 10
1) Go to Kedge Keep and locate Auraline. Make sure you have space for a container before you go. A tracker may also help, but isn’t required.
Note: She can supposedly spawn at any “mermaid” PH location, but I did not verify this. The map below is the location I found her at. She will con indifferent once spawned. If needed, consider taking a few people in era to speed things up. A tracker helps here.
2) Auraline will be Indifferent con. Give Auraline Vows of Undying Devotion to receive
Shimmering Azure Box (4-slot container).
3) Combine Ancient Charred Wooden Handle and
Blessed Mallet into
Shimmering Azure Box (4-slot container) to receive
Sealed Azure Box.
4) Give Auraline Sealed Azure Box to receive
Thoric’s Sacred Hammer
Step 11
1) Go to back Firiona Vie and locate Dithgar Irongut. He can be in one of two locations based on what expansion is released on your server:
2) Give Dithgar Irongut Thoric’s Sacred Hammer to receive
Defender of the Faithful Heart.
You’ll need to be at least Indifferent faction to do the turn-in. You can use an invisibility potion after opening a trade window to get Indifferent.