Spell focus items become active in Luclin, so we’ll prioritize those. We will want a well rounded characte, with AC, HP, and Mana. We don’t need to min/max anything in particular as an Enchanter. There are more items with focuses than just the ones on this guide. This guide was built to maximize stats while picking up the important focuses. Focus Items do not stack, the highest one takes effect. This build may have have a similar focus on multiple items, which is just a coincidence.
We will want the following focuses:
– Improved Casting Range 15%
– Increased Spell Haste: Detrimental 20% // and Beneficial 30% (Optional)
– Increased Damage: Direct Damage 23%
– Mana Preservation: All spells 18% // Beneficial Spells 40% (Self-Only)
– Increased Spell Buff Duration 20%
– Any additional “skill mods” we can get. Some examples: Brilliance or Ro on Crown of Energy reduces our chance to fizzle. Orb of Secrets has a +2% (10 max) increased Meditate skill mod
**Note: Damage and Mana Preservation focuses have an “up to” modifier. For example: If you see +20% Improved Damage referenced in this guide, it means your spell damage will do anywhere between 1-20% increased damage. The same goes for Mana Preservation.
Enchanter Goals:
1) Focus Items
2) +15 Mana Regen from items (Flowing Thought).
3) Maxing Intellect/Stamina
4) Obtaining as much Mana, HP, and AC as possible.
5) Shield Item for additional AC (Secondary Item in this guide counts as a Shield)
Below are the approximate stats you can expect:
This character doesn’t have any +stat AA clickies (Mana/HP/Regen/Resists, etc) clicked, so if you have any of those add them onto this profile to estimate your stats.