Raid Request NPC: Captain Aleeth Zyrv (Dark Reign) / Lieutenant Ekiltu Verlor (Norrath’s Keepers)
Raid Size: 6 to 24 Can be requested with offline characters in group
Progression Tier: Tier 5 Progression

Objective 1:

– Head to The Nest by following the Green Line on the compass while in The Broodlands.


Objective 2:

– Locate Ju`rek the Corrupted room. There’s some trash to clear along the way.

Objective 3:

Kill Ju`rek the Corrupted.

– 550K HP
– Hits 1800+ (35 Heroic Stamina)
– Slowable
– Flurry
– Casts Decaying Stench (PBAE, 1800 DoT, -600 Disease Based, 45 Disease Cure)
– Casts Ju`Ok’s Cry (Targeted AE, 100 DD + 10 second stun, -550 Poison Based)

– Spawns a harsh wind adds throughout the fight. Usually 2 or 3 at a time. I got 16 total throughout the entire fight.
— 10K HP
— hits 700+ (35 Heroic Stamina)
— Slowable
— Mezzable
— Casts Freezing Blast (PBAE, 1000 DD + Snare, -300 Magic Based)

  **Loot Diseased Wing Fragment if doing Tier 5 Progression.**

NOTE: Don’t forget to turn in your Dark Reign Token or Norrath’s Keepers Token to Xeib Darkskies (Dark Reign) or Tatsujiro the Serene (Norrath’s Keepers) in Lavastorm Mountains.



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